Changing the world one day at a time.
Educators, you play a crucial role in preparing students for the real world. WOW is here to help you have as many resources as possible to equip you with the skills and knowledge to bring up your students successfully. We encourage you to prepare your students for our expos and get them excited for the endless opportunities that lay ahead for them.

Educator Workforce Academy
Empowering Educators for Regional Success
The Educator Workforce Academy is a year-long training program for educators in West Alabama, exposing them to workforce development and our region’s industries. Established in 2017 by West AlabamaWorks, the Academy is designed to eliminate the disconnection between industry and education, giving our region’s students the best chance possible for success.
A Force For Change
The Educator Workforce Academy directly affects our students’ curriculum, helping them become college and career ready.
Soft Skills
Focus on soft skills as early as elementary school to ensure student success.
Graphic Literacy
Empower students to interpret and communicate complex information through visual data.
Applied Mathematics
Emphasize using math for problem solving in the workplace.
School Systems
Board Members
“West Alabama has many competitive industry careers, but before the Educator Workforce Academy, most of our region’s educators hadn’t toured a plant. EWA helps connect our educators to jobs for our region’s students. Some of these jobs require four-year degrees, while many require a two-year degree or on-the-job training. Regardless, we’re eliminating the disconnect between industry and education.”