
October 8-9, 2025


Shelton State Community College

Target Audience

Students & Educators

Worlds of Work (WOW) is a nationally-recognized, immersive experience, showcasing competitive careers in West Alabama to over 4,000 students. WOW allows students to explore career opportunities through hands-on demonstrations with industry leaders. Taking over Shelton State Community College’s campus for two days, the event draws hundreds of industries to showcase their companies and build their future workforce. The purpose of WOW is to create awareness about exciting career opportunities among students and educators while addressing workforce needs in the region.

Students wearing hard hats and using power drills

Worlds of Work Career Expo

The Worlds of Work Career Expo is a project of the West AlabamaWorks, Region 3 Workforce Development Council, and The Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama. The Expo will be a fun, educational, hands-on opportunity for students to become familiar with a broad overview of high-demand, high-wage career opportunities available in the area.

The purpose of this expo is to create awareness about exciting career options among students and educators while addressing workforce needs in the region. Existing employers in the region continue to have unfilled job openings due to a shortage of skilled workers. In addition, employers face additional shortages over the next few years due to retirements of up to 50% of their workforce.

Attendance to the Expo will be available for our nine-county workforce development region which includes Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Marengo, Lamar, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa counties.

Want to get involved in the WOW Career Expo event?

Are you ready to inspire the next generation? Join us as an exhibitor or event sponsor at WOW and connect with students eager to learn about your career field. With your support and sponsorship, Worlds of Work will help students on their journey to a career.